Wed, Oct 8 2008 - Rock Climbing at Wall Crawlers (Intown Atlanta) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Katherine Martin
Participants:Lisa Maldonado, Charlie, Jill M, Jeannine, Erica, Brian Clark, Joseph Martin, Action Jackson, Tom, Ben Tignor, DennisC, Katherine Martin

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I don't think anyone realized what they were getting into with 2 hours of climbing ahead of them at 7:30pm. Everyone geared up, complained about the tight little shoes and started climbing....and promptly discovered that you need a LOT of grip strength to hold onto those little plastic rocks! When we started this event, I was concerned that not everyone would get enough climbing in to feel they got value for their money...but as 9pm approached, I noticed more and more people standing around. By choice. It was a tiring event, requiring a plethora of skills, but I think we have some new converts to the rock climbing sport! Erica got herself belay certified during the event and was climbing walls like a monkey! And Joe was a regular "survivor" using every rock like protrusion he could find to get up those walls. Everyone climbed several different paths each, learning the technique of using your legs as support rather than pulling with your arms. We'll have some great pictures posted here!