Sat, Apr 20 2019 - Big Scaly Mountain Waterfall Loop (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charles Smith
Participants:Charles Smith, Bob J, Roxy, Steve T

Write Up:
Could not have picked a better day for the Loop trail. We hit the Ridge and descended into the Gorge at Beech Creek. We followed the creek for most of the hike - ( on the southeast area) giving us 3 technical fords and clear cliff views of Big Scaly to the west. Starting at the switchbacks with a watchful eye you can still see the Oxen haul road going up to the mine! This is where the bears take their dens to raise the young. We visited High Falls on the final ascent of switchbacks and gazed at the forces of what nature can do!! This is when the snow started to fall blowing sideways and sticking to the ground. It went on for several hours until our decent off the upper elevations. ( temps around 35° )This was a tough trail in my opinion. I suggest this trail with a healthy group of hikers, preferably in the winter because of the overgrowth, blowdown and being in the Gorge. The trail is a mining and logging road with small loose sharp rocks in many places. A well earned D5! This area of the Nantahala just keeps me coming back. Next week All Trails lead to Blood Mountain.