Sat, May 18 2019 - Unicoi Gap to Tray Mountain ( GROUP Hike! ) (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Charles Smith
Participants:Tom, Charles Smith, Ray Stewart, Maxine, Molly B, Mark K, Mark P

Write Up:
Summer made its appearance on Saturday with high humidity. Trilliums, Flaming Azalea and Forget Me Nots dotted the trail with its presence. ( saw a Frog) We met up with a few thru - hikers getting their late start on the trail. Saw a elderly man giving us directions to where the trail picks up across the road at Tray Mountain. We made sure we kept the liquid going and kept a calm pace for this hike which went very well. But one sure thing - the backside of Rocky was eventful!! I had a smart group, good weather and a good vibe at all times on this event . This makes my TL duties go a lot smoother. Sweetwater Park next week . ( can't wait! )