Sat, Jan 2 2021 - Sope Creek Both Sides (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Gerrilyn, Mtn Mike, Dawn B, Michael, Ann L.

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Write Up:

This time during introductions we only had six Mikes. The nice thing was all six of us had hiked together two days earlier. The weather was once again chilly and foggy, and the trails were very muddy and in spots very slick. Following the trail in a clockwise direction we crossed Sope Creek and hiked to the end of the one-way trail on the east side. Returning to the main trail we followed the trail in a more or less clockwise direction until we got to Sibley Pond did a haft counterclockwise loop around it and returned to the parking lot. For those us on our first hike of the year it was a nice way to start the year.

A special thanks to Ann for her third hike.
