Mon, Oct 18 2021 - HUNTERS MOON Hike along the HOOTCH (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:Claudia, Carol, Jane Myers, Katy G, Marie-Felixe, Becky D, Rebecca F, Laura M, Rocky M, Jess B, Amy E, Jeff, Horhay

Write Up:

Well no one got to spend the night in JAIL! But we did find out it is ILLEGAL to conduct ANY events on ANY City of Roswell Property (that includes parking lots or any property patrolled by RPD) without first obtaining a permit to do so....AT ANY HOUR, ANY DAY, AT ANY PARK IN ROSWELL. 

We'll have more on this soon.
Much love and respect to the crew tonight - y'all were bada$$e$ we did a solid 7.34 miles in 2 hours! We may have only gain 13' in elevation but the FULL HUNTERS MOON WAS AWESOME!
Super stoked to have a BUNCH of new people in my hikes....and I told you - my events are EPIC!! Even the urban hikes!! Hope to see more of you soon!

Cheers - Horhay!

p.s. Thank you Roswell PD for looking out for us, educating us, and just being cool...I did not want to get a ticket! :)