Sat, Apr 17 2010 - Panthertown Valley (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Michael Johnson, Lucy Clinton
Participants:Michael Johnson, Lucy Clinton, Doug Hall, sunny, Gary Hubert, Lorie, Su Lee, Bob D., Andy, David, Diana, William Dean, Andy Altman

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Write Up:
Hi everyone, thanks for joining us on the Panthertown Valley trip. We enjoyed meeting all of you.
We had a great group, and we got very lucky with the weather. Some of the "newbies" I believe
expected it to be a little easier, but it seemed like everyone still had a great time.

I was so glad to get in that water, so to have almost half of you get in there too, made
it just that much more enjoyable. I love finding little narrow trails through the woods, where
others don't tread, and I appreciate sharing that with people who share my love of nature.

Andy, Doug and Lorie did such a great job collecting firewood for us, that we had all the fire
we needed that night. Thanks David for hanging a food line for half a dozen people. Lucy,
thanks for the companionship and stories. That goes for everyone else as well, especially
Gary's stories of his Uncle Teddy up north. Su, it was a pleasure meeting you, even if you
did give me a lot of dirty looks after walking up that little mountain. Sunny, you're a real
trooper, getting back into the swing, walking through your blisters and joining us for the
2nd day of hiking, while Su dreamt in her tent, probably of eating real food in civilization.

Su, I hope your thigh muscles recovered! Hopefully you got some sympathy from your family
and they massaged your legs! Sunny, I hope your blisters healed ok! Diana, I hope
you weren't discouraged by the perceived fast pace! I really was trying to go at a leisurely
pace so that we could enjoy our surroundings.

I'm sorry I brought up my interpretation of Broke Back Mountain and Deliverance though.
I think I did a bad job of it. It seemed like a good idea at the time, you know, nice camp fire,
bright stars, a flask of scotch and good looking buddies all around.
Saying "you have a purty mouth", just doesn't roll off the tongue back here in the city.

I posted some pictures I took on Picasaweb. If anyone else wants to share pictures of the event,
send me a link, and I'll send them out to everyone. To see my pictures, click on the image link
in upper right corner of this page.