Sat, Apr 2 2011 - Providence Canyon Backpacking Trip (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Gary Hubert, Cristina
Participants:Cristina, Gary Hubert, Andy, Ashley C, landon smith, Chris L, Angela, Laura Judy, Damien, Ron Walker

Write Up:

We had perfect weather and company for our backpacking trip to Providence Canyon.  Ten AOC humans and five AOC dogs headed to Providence Canyon State Park from the Mansell park and ride on Saturday morning.  Gary Hubert and Chris Locklear picked a great site for our camp.  We set up our tents and made new friends and reconnected with old friends over lunch.  Then, Gary led the group on a day hike exploring down in the canyons.  The dogs romped with one another and particularly enjoyed the cool muddy water at the base of the canyon.  Ava Belle’s white spots are still tinged with GA red even after two baths!  Next, we hiked up around the perimeter of the canyon and enjoyed the view.   We took lots of time for pictures before heading back to camp.

Thanks everyone for bringing your best to this event!  We had two days of great hiking, campfires, laughs, and good conversation.  Not to mention Jiffy Pop (thanks, Angela!), glow sticks, and lots of cute dog antics.

We concluded our adventure with lunch at Mellow Mushroom on our way back to Atlanta.

Total miles logged over two days—14.5.