Sat, Sep 17 2011 - North Carolina Two-Fer, Part 1 - Dupont Five Falls Loop (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Jimmy, Clay White
Participants:Lemmy, Hope, Sam L, Pam W, Clay White, Jimmy, Linda Jones, Eun Joung, Joyce T., Kristi, Mark, Helena F

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Write Up:
A small group had a little trouble finding the trail head but in the end, 12 AOCers started the 5 falls hike under chilly and cloudy conditions.  Each successive waterfall was more beautiful than the last making it a great reward after each hike between waterfalls.  It was a great day with a great group of friends.  The pictures below will do a much better job of showing what it was like on the hike.  -- Jimmy :)

Joyce Taaffe's Pictures

Lemmy's Pictures

Jimmy T. Chen's Pictures
coming soon (hahahahaha *cough, cough* *choking* *cough, cough*)  :)