Sat, Jun 30 2007 - Waterfalls of the 'Three Forks' that make up the Western fork of Chattooga River (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Bruce
Participants:Rita T, Tom Collins, Hilke Neuerburg, Michelle Moran, John Weatherman, Tom, Alexandra, Rama, Prachi, Anja Krusel, d merat, Ben Shienvold, Nathan Green

Write Up:
After figuring out we had a couple of no-shows on a hike that had many pre-removed people and re-added from waiting list several times; we left with 1 stolen person from Sierra Club event (in parking lot with 4 events meeting at similar times)-Janet was a delightful and fun addition to the hike-made 15 total persons going to hike. We left for trailhead to enjoy what was to be a warm and sunny day (but not unbearable). When we made our way down to Overflow Falls, many of us swam in the beautiful swimming hole under this lovely 15 foot waterfall north of 3 forks. After leisurly 30 minute fun and snack break here. we made our way up the 7/10's mile moderate climb out of the valley to the frog pond and other path down to 3 forks and Big Creek. Here, many of us waded, sunned on rocks and got in the water again. Several water crossed over to see Holcomb Falls across the creek here. After another extended dipping, rock jacuzzi, sunbathing break wet break from midday heat; we made our way up the steep, strenuous 1/4mile wild jungle section of Big Creek trail to the upper falls on Big Creek; a 3-tiered, 50' beauty-took some steep climb down into its gorge to get to. It also had a nice swimming hole which was enjoyed by several people (Andrea finally got wet here and cooled off in the water-previously shunned at 2 water stops-yea!-many of us applauded). Ben and I politely declined removing boots and gear and re-putting on of all clother involved; at this third swimming hole; any many of us just watched the fun and frolicking and sunned on rocks and conversed; as many made new freindships this fun and relaxing day.

Then we got into the hike back to the cars and drama of losing one of our members who made off for a serious bathroom break without telling any of others. We had made our way out of gorge of Big Creek Falls and up to the trial intersection and figured we were missing 1 person-many knew who it was; and after extended looking for and 4 of us going back down into the valley, figured he had gone opposite direction from group, which was confirmed in cell call to Ana; whose Cingular service worked great up here in backwoods. We were all joined again after this adventure, and instant forgiveness offered to lost man to have him back safe among us. We then made our way out to the cars around 7:15-after group photos; all were off to big city or dining (six of us enjoyed great meal at Julias); and I thank everyone as always for being part of a great and memorable adventure on fantastic day, and meeting and joining of new and old friends.