Sat, Mar 30 2013 - Mt LeConte Lodge Cabin Adventure (via Rainbow Falls Trail) Updated! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Amy, John L
Participants:Amy, John L, Katherine Bennett, Scott Bennett, sherri, Michelle Spence, Annalise, Billy Gewin, ron a, Eric, Steve, Jennifer F., Chris Roper

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Write Up:

This was an AOC First!   And if you didn't go you really missed out on a great adventure led by Amy and John!  What initially turned out to be several omens were truly blessings in disguise...

As you now, the landslide at Newfound Gap Road closed Highway 441 back in January.  This was the main route to Gatlinburg from Atlanta and of course the popular Alum Cave Trailhead for LeConte, so going around the long way turned out to be a surpisingly beautiful drive on Scenic I-40.  It's been a while since many of had been on I-40 and there are some breathtaking views of the Smokies and their frosty peaks.

In addition to the bonus driving miles, a freakish wave of snow storms had recently hit this area..and LeConte had been snowed on all week, thereby shutting down 441 entirely as well as the Allum Cave Trailhead. This left us no choice but to head up to LeConte via the Rainbow Falls trail, and this trail was unusually crowded given it was Easter Weekend.  We thought it would make things a little difficult but we were wrong!  We all loaded up and headed up the mountain in relatively balmy weather (50 degrees).

It was 2.6 miles to Rainbow Falls....and tons of tourists actually took the time to hike the trail to see the falls.  It was like being at Disney there were that many people on the trail.

Once we got past the falls...the "real" hiking began and the trail thinned out.  Now the true hikers were left and the tourists were no longer around.  The trail gradually got steeper, colder and slicker with ice and snow.  Hardly any of us in the group had used "Yak Trax" before, and let me tell invention ever!!  Thank goodness Amy Cox warned everyone to bring them because you cannot hike in ice and snow without these on.  Don't know what Yak Trax are?  Well here is the answer:

What are Yak Trax?

We made our way up...arrived at our cabins about an hour before dinner.  We enjoyed a nice warm meal with friends, sat around and talked about the day..a few of us drank some wine offered by the lodge (bottomless glass for $10!)..then off to sleep we went.  13 total people in one large cabin.

It never snowed on us or rained on us...the weather was perfect for hiking.  We couldn't have asked for a better weekend. :)  You need to check out these lodges at least once in your lifetime!