Sun, Jan 25 2015 - Sunday Silver Comet 30 Miler (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Jennifer S, Trena
Participants:Armin, Julie B, Alan Seitman, Teri, Charles W, Paula Schubert, Cathy, Ginny, Julie Peters, Trena, Ed Chellino, Jennifer S, Steven Peters

Write Up:

The group of 13 including Jennifer S, Trena, Ed, Alan, Cathy, Julie, Teri, Ginny, Julie B., Steven, Charles, and Paula slipped across 30 miles of the Silver Comet on a sunny yet windy afternoon. Along the way, we chatted over the breeze until we stopped to fill a tire and a few bellies. Initially, we thought we would be pushed along our return route by the gusts. We thought wrong. The wind changed direction and whipped us in the face again on the way  back to the depot. We had a good workout in the end and enjoyed the 0% precipitation-free (not perspiration-free) ride.